Deleting Information from the Caller ID List
The TRU 346 stores up to 50 messages. If the phone receives the 51st
message, the oldest one in the list is automat ically delet ed.
Caller ID data can also be deleted manually.

DDeelleettiinngg aa CCaalllleerr IIDD mmeessssaaggee

1 Press .
Display the message to be deleted from
the Caller ID list by pressing or .
2 Press .
3 Press or to select “Yes“ or “No“.
4 Press or .
WWhheenn tthhee ppooiinntteerr iiss aattYes“:
A tone sounds and the Caller ID message
is deleted. The next Caller ID message is
then displayed.
WWhheenn tthhee ppooiinntteerr iiss aat “No“:
The display returns to the Caller
ID display.
If you get an incoming
call or page, the deleting
operation is canceled.
The telephone returns to
standby so you can
answer the call or page.
TRU346 8/9/00 12:37 Page 30