Reading E-BooksTransfer E-books from Computer
Beforereading, you need to transfer or download e-books to the device. You can copy
e-booksfrom your computer’slocaldrive to the device by USB connection (see the
“Transferringfiles”section mentioned before).
Note:Make sure your e-books are in format of PDF, EPUB, TXT, FB2, R TF or PDB supported by
Download E-books with Adobe Digital Editions
TheAdobe Digital Edition application allows you download e-books protectedby DRM
toyour NextBook.
(1) Accessthe website
andthen install the Adobe Digital Editions
softwarefollowing the instructions.
(2) Authorizeyour computer with your Adobe ID and
(3) Activateyour NextBook.
Connectyour NextBook to computer with the
USBcable and start up the Adobe Digital Editions. Click “AuthorizeDevice”to
authorizeyour NextBook.
TheAdobe ID can be used only for six times. It should expire after 6 tries of authorizing device. Later
on,you need to delete the expired ID by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+D on the computer keyboard or using
theErase Activation Record setting on the device and then get a new one.
Thedevice remembers the ebooks downloaded with the latest Adobe ID only, and will overwrite the
eBooksdownloaded with the previous Adobe ID.
(4) DownloadDRM-protected PDF files to your
Accessan online bookstore and search for
e-books.Choose your favorite e-books and
downloadthem. If the e-book is protected by
DRM,you should be prompted by DRM license
information.Click “Open”tostart downloading the