System Settings
Inthe Home screen, tap “Settingsandchoose a category: “Wireless& Networks,”
Sound& Display,”“Date& Time,”etc.
Whena down arrow appears on the right of a parameter, this means thatthis
settingincludes sub-parameters. Tap it to display the list of sub-parameters.
Whena check box appears on the right of a parameter, tap it to enable or disable
Whenit is possible, you can use your finger to scroll the screen up and down to
revealsettings that you don’tinitiallysee.
Whenyou have finished adjusting your settings, tap the Back icon togo back
tothe list of settings, or tap the Home icon togodirectly to the Home screen.
Yoursettings are saved instantly.
Wi-Fi–tap on this line to enable or disable the Wi-Fi connection.
Wi-Fisettings –allows you to set up and manage your Wi-Fi networks.
Sound SilentMode –mute sound except of media and alarm.
NotificationRingtone –Set your default notification ringtone.
Audibletouch tones –enables/disables sound when dialing.
Audibleselection –enables/disables the touchscreen click sound.
Screenlock sounds – enable/disable sound when locking or unlocking the
Display Brightness–allows you to adjust the brightness of the screen. Auto-rotate
screen–switch the screen orientation automatically when the device rotates.
Animation –enables/disablesthe display of animations when opening and
Screen timeout –allows you to adjust the delay before the screen
automaticallyturns off and locks itself. To turn the screen back on, press the
Powerbutton once, and press it again to unlock the screen.
Thisscreen gives you the possibility to allow certain Androidapplications to
determineyour current location. You can also define a screen unlock pattern
andother security parameters.
Applications Thisscreen allows you to manage your Androidapplications. You can view
informationabout all the applications installed on your device.
Privacy Thissetting allows you back up or restore your system settings or data.
Storage Thissetting allows you un-mount the SD cardor check SD card and internal
Setyour preferred language and region, and configure text settings for faster
andmore accurate text input.
Date& Time Thissetting allows you set up the date, time, time zone and formats.
Updatethe media library of your NextBook manually.
Usedto erase record of DRM activations.
AboutDevice Display i nformation about your NextBook system.