PlaybackSc reen
Tapon the / iconto pause/resume the video,
Tapon “ ”todisplay the menu items.
Tapon the progression bar to go directly to a different location in the video. You
canalso use your finger to drag the cursor in the progression bar to another
locationin the video.
Tapon / to adjust the volume.
Tapon “ toset a bookmark at the current spot in the video. Please note only
onebookmark can be set for one video, and the new bookmark should coverthe
oldone. To resume playing a video from the bookmark, go to the Home Screen,
enterthe Video Player, and tap on the bookmarkedvideo. You should be
promptedto “Playfrom beginning”and“Playfrombookmark”.Select “Playfrom
bookmark”.In default, the video plays from beginning. To remove the bookmark,
tapon “ ”todisplay the menu, and then choose “Delete Bookmark”.
Tapon toadjust the brightness of screen.
Tapon / toplay the previous or next video.
Tapon tochange the aspect ratio of screen.
Tapon to stop playing and return the video list.
Note:Some video files may not be played correctly with the device. Refer to the Technical Specifications at
theend of the manual, and make sure the video resolution, encoding format or file type is supported.
Video PlaybackSettin gs
Tapon the iconto display the video settings.
Delete BookMark and Play
Deletebookmark and pla yf rom beginning.
DeleteBookmark Deletethe video bookmark .
PlayMode Single– plays the current video and then stops after
RepeatOne – Repeat the current video.
RepeatAll – Repeat all videos.
Help Getinstructions on playing video.
Return Exitfrom the menu.
a. VOL-
b. Progression bar
c. VOL+
d. Bookmark
e. Brightness
f. Previousvideo/Rewind
g. Play/Pause
h. Next video / Fast forward
i. ViewMode
j. Exit
k. Video settings
d e f g h i j k