UTStarcom CDM8964VM manual To set VR settings

Models: CDM8964VM

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Call <Name or #>

Use the Call command to voice dial a name from your contact list or a phone number. When dialing a number, pronounce each digit, but do not pause noticeably between the digits.

1.If calling a contact from your list, say Call <Name>. Your phone will ask you to con- firm the name you said. Say “Yes” if it was repeated correctly. That phone number will be dialed. If there is more than one number saved for that contact, you will be asked to confirm which number to dial.

(Examples: - Call Tom Smith,

-Call 617 555-1212,

-Call Bob Carson’s mobile,

-Call Dee Harper at Home.)

Send text <Name or #>

Use the Send command to send a text message to a specified name or number.

1.Say Send Text <Name>. (Examples: - Send Text Tom Smith)

Follow instructions for sending a new message on page 26.

Send picture <Name or #>

Use the Send command to send a picture message to a specified name or number.

1.Say Send Picture <Name>. (Examples: - Send Picture Tom Smith)

Follow instructions for sending a new message on page 26.

Send video <Name or #>

Use the Send command to send a video message to a specified name or number.

1.Say Send video <Name>. (Examples: - Send video Tom Smith)

Follow instructions for sending a new message on page 27.

Lookup <Name>

Use the Lookup command to retrieve and display information for any name stored in your contact list.

1.Say Lookup <Name>. (Examples: - Lookup Tom Jones)

2.The View Contact page will be displayed for that contact name.

Go to <Menu>

Use the Go To command to open an application on your phone. You can say ”Go To” by itself and be prompted to say the application name, or you can skip the prompt by saying ”Go To” followed by the application name.

1.Say Go To followed immediately by one of the items: (Messaging, Contacts, Media Player, My account, VirginXL, My stuff, Pictures&Videos, Surf the Web, Tools&Settings)

Check <Item>

The Check command lets you check status information for your phone. You can say “Check” or “Check Status” to see and hear all status information.

1.Say Check followed immediately by one of the items: (Status, Voicemail, Messages, Time, Signal Strength, Network, Battery, My Phone Number, Volume)


1.For more information on using Voice Recognition (VR), press Tutorial.

To set VR settings

To set VR confirmation

1.Press Settings > Confirmation.

2.You can control when the system asks you to confirm a name or number.

3.Select Automatic, Always Confirm or Never Confirm > OK.

To set VR adaptation

1.Press Settings > Adaptation > Adapt Voice.

2.You can adapt the system to your voice for optimal recognition accuracy. During adapta- tion, the system will prompt you to speak a series of short phrases. If you need to erase adaptation data and set the system back to the factory default, select Reset Voice.

3.Press Start to begin.

To set VR modes

1.Press Settings > Modes.

2.You can control the level of audio guidance provided by the system. In prompt mode (the default), the system prompts for required information. In readout mode, the system prompts for required information and reads out the contents of the screen. In expert mode, audio guidance is provided by beeps only.

3.Select Expert Mode, Prompt Mode or Readout Mode > OK.

To set VR speakerphone

1.Press Settings > Speakerphone.

2.You can control how the system uses the speakerphone. Select Always on to have outgoing audio play through the speaker- phone. Select Always off to have outgoing audio play through the internal speaker. Select Automatic to use the speakerphone setting of the phone.

3.Select Automatic, Always On or Always Off > OK.

To view VR about

1.Press Settings > About.

2.The Voice Signal or VSuite version appears.

22 Calls & Contacts

Calls & Contacts 23

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UTStarcom CDM8964VM manual To set VR settings