14 Installation and Operations Manual
Configuring the DET.Config File
This file is found on the “Local Drive” directory in the Single Board Computer. The values are
edited to configure the DET.
Note Be aware that making direct edits to the DET.Config file can result in improper
system behavior if not done in accordance with proper XML syntax.
In NotePad, modify the DET.Config file replacing the necessary variables as shown in the
following example (see Table 4-2 below for more information about the variables used in the
config file):
<configuration Title="VarecDET" HostInterfaceType="Network"
TouchScreen="False" Watchdog="False">
<HostSerialInterface Name="COM2:" BaudRate="9600" Parity="none" DataBits="8"
StopBits="one" Address="1" />
<HostNetworkInterface Port="4096" />