96 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
10. Check Show physical stores check box.
11. Click the plus sign (+) next to Trusted Root Certificate Authorities.
12. Select Local Computer and click OK.
13. Click Next and Finish when done.
Resolving Other Security Alerts
If you are receiving any other Security Alerts you will need to identify the problem as either
"out of date" or The name on the security certificate is invalid. If the certificate has an invalid
name, follow the steps below to determine the valid name. If the certificate has an "out of
date" error, a new certificate must be created.
TTo determine the valid certificate name
1. Click View Certificate.
2. The General tab shows who the Certificate is issued to; the address shown is the address
that will need to be use d in the brows er address bar, as well as in the configuration of the
LDAP Server.
For example: if the information is edirldap.vb.loc then the address bar should read https:/
/edirldap.vb.loc:636 and th e LDAP P ath sh ould r ead LDAP://edirldap.vb.loc:636 To find
out if the address is accessible, ping the address given in a command prompt. If the address is
not accessible you must create or add a DNS entry to the Host file on the local server or
generate a new certificate with the correct information.
Use RSA AuthenticationEtherneTV Portal Server v4.3 or higher supports RSA authentication.