Global Settings
ETV Portal Server Admin Guide 35
TTo add a publishing point
1. Create an FTP server on the WM server. See Creating a VOD-WM FTP Server on
page 36.
2. Create a publishing point on the WM Server.
a. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Windows Media Services.
b. Right-click on the ser ver_name and select Add Publishing Point (Wizard).
c. Add a meaningful publishing point name and click Next.
d. Select Files (digital media or playlists) in a directory and click Next.
e. Selec t On-demand publishing point and click Next.
f. Specify the location of your content, for example d:\WMPub\WMRoot and click Next.
g. Skip through the remaining steps and click Finish when done.
3. To create a virtual directory on the WM server for this publishing point:
a. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
b. Navig ate to the Default FTP Website. Right-click and select New > Virtual Directory.
c. For Alias, use the Publishing Point name from Step 3 above and click Next.
d. Enter the path to the content directory for this FTP site and click Next.
e. Allow Read and Write permissions and click Next.
f. Click Finish when done.
4. In the Portal Server, configure the publishing point Name, Source, and FTP Directory to
match the values you used for the publishing point on the Windows Media server.
Note • T he publishing point name within a server must be unique. You cannot add a
publishing point that already exists in MCS database.
• T he publishing point FTP directory within a server must be unique.
• If free spac e information is available at the time a publishing point is added, it must
be greater than the entered Low Space Threshold.
• Publishing points located within another publishing point are not supported
although publishing points on the same drive are supported. For example, two
publishing points with Source c:\pub1 and c:\pub2 are supported but two
publishing points with Source c:\pub1 and c:\pub1\pub2 are not supported.