Global Settings
ETV Portal Server Admin Guide 31
Adding VOD ServersUse this window to add Video-On-Demand Server(s) to the ETV Portal Server. If the
network supports Windows 98 users, you must use the IP address of the VOD server—not
the host name. After selecting a Server Type VBrick recommends you keep the default
settings for FTP Password, Publishing Local Path, Publishing Directory, etc. unless there is a
compelling reason to change them. Nor is it necessary to create a Streaming Alias. Leave this
parameter blank unless you are using HTTP Tunneling.
Adding VOD-W, VOD-D, and NXG Servers
Figure 4. Add VOD-W Server
IP or Domain This is the primary IP address or Host Name of the VOD server
for LAN users (see also Secondary Server Address below). The
Server Name or IP address entered into the ETV Portal Server
must be accessible by the ETV Portal Server. (If the network
supports Windows 98 users, you must use the IP address.)
Server Description This allows the administrator to define a descriptor such as
FTP User Name This is the FTP user name that the Portal Server uses when
publishing content to the server. The default user name for NXG,
VOD-D, VOD-WM, and FTP servers is vbrickuser. The default
user name for VOD-W servers is anonymous. The FTP User Name
refers to a user account that already exists on the server. If the FTP
User Name is changed on any VOD server, it must be changed here
as well. Use any combination of alphanumeric and special