10 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.

Amino Set Top Box

The AmiNet110 is a compact set top box for the Portal Server manufactured by Amino
Systems. It connects to a standard TV and only plays MPEG-2 streams; no other streams are
selectable for viewing on the Portal Server interface. There is no software installation
required. Simply connect and configure the device as explained in Amino Set TopBox on
page 155. The Portal Server User Guide explains how to use the Amino infrared remote
control unit that comes with the device.

WM IP Receiver

VBrick's WM IP Receiver is similar to a conventional set top box but is significantly more
stable, rugged, and reliable. It is designed for 24x7 operation, and built for enterprise
networks that require a high degree of stability, security, and scalability. The WM IP Receiver
is a robust, state-of-art device that meets the demanding requirements of VBrick's
EtherneTV Media Distribution System. The WM IPR plays Windows Media streams from
VBrick WM appliances and Windows Media servers. The WM IPR is also a fully-featured
VBrick EtherneTV client. This means that in addition to the ability to deliver video,
subsequent WM IPR releases will provide scheduling, access logging, and device control
from the Portal Server. For more information about the WM IPR, see the IPR Admin Guide
in the Portal Server online help.
Portal Server Installation
Complete installation instructions for the Portal Server are provided in the ETV Portal Server
Release Notes. Once the Portal Server is installed, end users on Windows, Macintosh, and
Linux machines may be prompted for additional download components as explained below.
This only happens the first time they access the Portal Server. The Portal Server supports a
wide variety of clients and video formats. See Supported VBrick Clients and Video Formats
for a complete list.

Downloading Components

Windows PCs

If configured with the appropriate components, Windows PCs (with Internet Explorer or
Firefox) can play all stream types including MPEG, Windows Media, and H.264. For
Windows-based PC users, the Portal Server uses VBrick StreamPlayer software-based
components to decode video streams on user desktops. The Portal Server downloads these
components to each client machine the first time you access the Portal Server (depending on
the Specify Components to Download to Clients setting in Global Assignments). No
download is necessary for subsequent access. If this is a new installation, end users must
answer Yes to security requests to download these components. After a download, you don’t
have to restart your computer but must you must close the browser. These components are
downloaded using .cab files.
In certain circumstances however, the use of .cabs is either not allowed or not feasible. In
these cases, VBrick provides an .msi installer called VBrickComponents.msi. This installer
installs the same components and allows end-users who cannot download .cabs to have full
Portal Server functionality. This installer is located in the Program Files\VBrick\MCS\utils