-TFOUBLE SHOOTING - G 4 ( ' ( ' -


lll.Frequentpilot outage problem.

lV. Pilotand malnburnergo out white belngin operation.


A.Pilotflamemaybe too lowor blowing(high),causingthe pitot safetyto dropout.

A.Highlimitswitchisdefectiveor hasreachedit'smaximum temperature.


1.Cleanand adjustpilotflame for maximumflameimpingement on thermocouple.

1.Allowunitto cool.Thenrepeat lightinginstructions.

2.lf 1. abovedoesnot allowfor

ignition,checkhighlimitswitch. Placejumperwiresacrosshigh limitswitch.ll youcan re-ignite the pilot,yourhighlimitswitchis defectiveDo. not use fireplace untilthe highlimitswitchis replaced,as this is an important

safetyfeature.lf the unitdoesnot lightwithjumperwiresin place, the wiresmaybe defectiveor the connectorsare bad.



Vl. Flameburnsblue and lifts otl burner.

B. NO L.P.in tank.

C. Badthermocouple.

A. Flameimpingementon logs.


C.Minwoolaroundbaseof burneror blockingbottomlront grille.

A.Insufficientoxygenbeing supplied.

1.CheckL.P (Propane)tank. Youmaybe out of fuel.

1.Replaceif necessary.

1.Adjustthe logset so thatthe flamedoesnot impingeon if.

1.Adjustthe airshutteral the baseof the burner.

1.lnspectthe baseol theburner. It is imperativethat NO material be placedaroundthe baseof the burneror in bottomfrontgrilleair passageway,

1.Checkto makesurethatthe minwoolhas not beenimproperly placedat the burnerbaseor blockingbotlomfrontgrille.

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Vermont Casting G400 owner manual Posstble Gause, CORBECT.IVE Agtton