TX/BUSY Indicator Customization
Default TX/BUSY illumination colors have been assigned
at the factory. These may be changed by the user, if you
wish to utilize another custom-designed color hue. The
Red, Green, and Blue elements of each color’s composi-
tion may be adjusted individually!
Press the key, then press the key to activate
the Menu (“SET”) mode.
Rotate the DIAL selector knob to select Menu Item
1. Display,” then press the key.
Rotate the DIAL selector knob to select Sub Menu
Item “8. RX LED” when you wish to change the BUSY
indicator’s color, or Sub Menu Item “9. TX LED” when
you wish to change the TX indicator’s color, then press
the key.
Press the key again to enable adjustment of the
selected Menu item.
Rotate the DIAL selector knob to adjust the “R” (red)
element of the color; you will be able to see the effects
of your changes. The degree of color hue is designated
in a numerical scale of “000” through “255,” and
you may adjust the display’s red component until it is
just the way you want it. As you make the adjustment,
you will be able to see the effects of your changes.
Press the key again, then rotate the DIAL selec-
tor knob to adjust the “G” (green) element of the color.
Repeat the process described above to adjust the “B
(blue) element of the color.
Press the key to save the new setting, then press
the PTT key repetitively until the radio exits to nor-
mal operation.
Note: You may also change the indicator’s color of the
Emergency lamp, Weather Alert lamp, and Over-Heating
lamp by the Menu Items. See page 49 for details.