Meterand bar measurements are different things: under water, the water pressure
isadded to the air pressure above; a depth of 10 meters corresponds to 1 bar of
waterpressure and 1 bar of atmospheric pressure above water level, therefore 2
barsin total.
This international warranty is valid for all consumers not resident in the U.S.or
For consumers living in the United States or Canada, please refer to
page16 (North American warranty instructions).
VictorinoxSwiss Army Watch SA provides a three (3) year warranty (the Warranty
Period)from the date of purchase against faulty materials and manufacturing. In the
eventof any such defect, we undertake to repair your timepiece or to exchange it
foran identical or similar timepiece, at our expense, by way of sole and exclusive
compensation. All implied warran ties, including warranties of fitness and
merchantabilityare limited to the Warranty Period.
Theinternational warranty is valid only if the warranty certificate is duly completed,
datedand stamped by an approved Victorinox Swiss Army Watch SA dealer.
Alltimepieces that fulfill the terms and conditions of our warranty, including battery
changes,must be repaired by a Victorinox Swiss ArmyWatch SA authorized service
center.The warranty is null and void if the case has been opened by any person
Internationalwarranty English