12.The handle of the utensil should be positioned so that it does not extend over adjacent surface burners or interferewith closing the canopy. This will minimize burns, ignition of flammablematerials and possiblespillage. Let
hot pans cool in a safe place out of childreng reach.
13. _, WARNING: Before lighting the burners inspect the gas supply piping or hose. Ifthere is evidence of cuts,wear,or abrasion,it must be replaced prior to use. Always keep your face and body asfar awayfrom the grill as possiblewhen lighting.
14.Never grill without the drip tray in place. Make sure it is pushed allthe way to the back in proper position to catch the drippings. Let the grease cool before attempting to remove for cleaning or disposal. Do not allow large amounts of grease to accumulate in the drip tray as they can catch on fire.
15.Before storing, make surethe gas grill is cool. The gas must be turned off at the supply tank, removed and stored outside in awell ventilated area out of the reachof children.
16.Keep the rotisseriemotor cord awayfrom heated areasof the grill.
17.When cooking in windy conditions, provide a wind break. Locate the unit with proper clearancefrom combustible surfaces.
18.Spiders and insectscan nest in the burners of the grill and block the gas and airflow to the burner ports. This may causea fire from behind the manifold cover. Inspectand clean the burners periodically.
19.Keep the ventilation openings at the rearof the carl and cylinderenclosure free and clear to allow proper flow of air. Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.
20.Clothing fires are potential hazards. Do not wear long flowing sleeves around the grill. They are easilycaught on pan handles or ignited by burners and are generally inthe way. Highly flammable clothing, especially synthetic fabrics,should not be worn while cooking.
21.Do not heat any unopened glassor metal containers on the grill. Pressure may
22.Do not move the appliance during its use.
23.Besure all controls areturned off and the grill iscool before using any type of aerosolcleaner on or around the grill. The chemical that produces the spraying action could, inthe presenceof heat, ignite or causemetal paris to corrode.
24.Do not remove the plastic cover on the rotisseriemotor switchdue to safetyconsideralJons.
25.Ifthe following instructionsare not followed exactly,a fire causing death or seriousinjury may occur: