In film-photography we say: “Take a Photo.” In digital-photo graphy we say: “Capture an
Image.” Capturing an im age with this camera is easy.
Step 1: Power on the camera a nd look through the viewfinder to frame your subject.
Make sure your subject is no closer than three or four feet (one meter) or else it will not
be in good focus.
Step 2: Press the Shutter butt on to capture an image.
The camera will beep once a nd the image counter will increase by one count.
For example the counter may change from 000 to 001.
The display counter shows the number of images to be taken. When the “FUL” warning
message appears on th e Info/Status LCD it means the memory is full and you must
download your images or dele te them to make more space available.
Note: Please note that when ba tteries disconnected or discharged, the mem ory,
and all taken pictures will be erased.
When you take pictures at night, indoors or in gloomy conditions. Please use flash. Press
the Enter button repeatedly to choose the flash options. (Please note the changing of the
icon on the left bottom of the LCD.).
Flash Off: the flash is off. (D efault)
Force Flash: the flash fires every time you take a picture, regardless of the lighting
Auto Flash: the camera detects ambient lighting conditions, and the flash fires if it
detects insufficient light.