Image Resolution CMOS 1600 x 1200 Pixels (2.0M Pixels), Sensor
Area 1 / 2"
Lens Specification 2 P lastic & 2 Glasses: F 2.8, f= 8.66mm, View
angle 54 °
Focus Range 1.0 m To infinity
Operating System Microsoft Win dows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
White Balance Auto
Exposure Control Auto
Display 888+ICON LCD
Continuous Picture 3 Pictures / Second
Still Picture Mode
(8 MB internal memory) 2408x1536 HQ/SQ 3/5 3.2 M pixels
1600x1200 HQ/SQ 5/7 2.0M pixels (default)
1280x1024 HQ/SQ 10/14 1.2M pixels
640x480 HQ/SQ 40/57 0.3M pixels
Movie = 320 x 240 (QVGA) 50 seco nds
Video Capture AVI frame rate is 9fps and in VGA or QVGA mode
Frame Rate
(PC camera mode) VGA ( 640 x 480 ) pixels 10 fps
QVGA ( 320 x 240 ) pixels 15~20 fps
QQVGA(160X120) pixels 15~25 fps
(Depends on system perfo rmance)
PC Interface USB 1.1
Memory Built-in 8MB SDRAM
Bundled Software ArcSoft PhotoImpression 5 and
ArcSoft VideoImpression 2
Power Source 2 x A A1.5V Alkaline Batteries (not included )
Power Saving Auto Power off after 60 se conds without activity
Dimension 91x60x30mm