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T: 886-2-82455282
F: 886-2-82455532
cport <number less than 65535> control Channel port
vport <number less than 65535> video Channel port
aport <number less than 65535> audio Channel port
yes optimal for the low bandwidth band
no keep the original way
ssid <text string shorter than 33
inf WLAN infrastructure mode wl
ad WLAN Ad Hoc mode
1 ~ 11 channel in USA
1 ~ 11 channel in Canada
1 ~ 13 channel in Europe
10, 11 channel in Spain
10 ~ 13 channel in France
1 ~ 14 channel in Japan (all)
1 1 Mbps transmission rate
2 2 Mbps transmission rate
3 5.5 Mbps transmission rate
4 11 Mbps transmission rate
5 22 Mbps transmission rate
l long preamble preamb
s short preamble
yes enable data encryption encr
no disable data encryption
auto auto authentication
shared shared-key authentication
open open-key authentication
1 64 bits key length
2 128 bits key length
3 256 bits key length
h hexadecimal format of key kform
a ASCII format of key
dkey 1 ~ 4 one of four keys
netkey1 hexadecimal string (00 ~ FF) network key 1