saturation | adjust saturation of image | |
preview | <not required> | not save the parameters |
restore | <not required> | recall the original settings |
save | <not required> | save the parameters |
Application configuration URL
URL: /setup/app.cgi
emode | <not required> | event mode application |
smode | <not required> | sequential mode application |
smethod | upload snapshots by email | |
| ftp | upload snapshots by FTP |
suffix | <not required> | FTP file with date and time suffix |
delay | <integer> | seconds delay to detect next event |
inter | <integer> | seconds delay to capture |
dihigh | < not required > | set DI high as trigger condition |
dilow | < not required > | set DI low as trigger condition |
dirise | < not required > | set DI rising as trigger condition |
difall | < not required > | set DI falling as trigger condition |
motion1 | < not required > | set motion window1 as trigger |
| condition |
motion2 | < not required > | set motion window2 as trigger |
| condition |
motion3 | < not required > | set motion window3 as trigger |
| condition |
ioalarm | < not required > | trigger DO when DI condition |
| matched |
mdalarm | < not required > | trigger DO when motion detected |
ioupload | < not required > | upload snapshot when DI condition |
| matched |
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