Check to make sure your Wadia 850 Compact Disc Player has been manufactured for operation at your AC line voltage. Attempting to use your Wadia 850 Compact Disc Player at any voltage other than specified on the rear of the unit may damage the unit. Damage caused by improper operation is not covered by Wadia warranty. If the voltage specified is different from your AC voltage, contact your Wadia dealer.
Connecting the The best performance is obtained when the Wadia 850 is plugged Wadia 850 directly into the wall with the power cord provided. The Wadia 850 has
to AC Power power conditioning, surge suppression and an extremely sophisticated overall protection scheme. It should not be necessary to use surge protectors, power conditioners or aftermarket power cords. If you wish to experiment with any of these devices, work closely with your dealer - and most of all, trust your own ears.
Connecting the Avoid allowing static shocks to be applied to the inputs or outputs. To Wadia 850 Compact prevent static shocks, touch any grounded surface, such as the Wadia 850
Disc Player Directly to chassis, before connecting or removing a cable. It is unlikely that a static a Power Amplifier shock will damage the unit, but it may cause the Wadia 850 Compact Disc
Player circuitry to
Inputs and outputs can be safely connected to the Wadia 850
Compact Disc Player:
1.Before the unit is powered up
2.When the unit is in
We strongly recommend that you use your Wadia 850 Compact Disc Player connected directly to your power amplifier. Even if you purchased your Wadia 850 with the intention of connecting it to your preamplifier, we suggest that you try direct connection to your amplifier. Many listeners are surprised by the improvement in performance over even the most expensive preamplifiers.
To connect your Wadia 850 to a power amplifier, ensure that your power amplifier is turned off, then simply connect your analog interconnects from the Wadia 850 analog outputs to the amplifier’s inputs.
Using the While the Wadia 850 Compact Disc Player was designed to be used without Wadia 850 with a a preamplifier, no compromises were made in its design that will prevent
Preamplifier excellent operation in a conventional system with a preamplifier.
When using a preamplifier, bypass the Wadia 850 volume control by setting it to its maximum setting.