8. To remove the valve, remove the screw in the
locking bar, Figure 15.
Figure 15
Figure 16
9. Apply downward hand pressure on the control and
pull the locking bar out, Figure 16.
10. Using a rocking motion, lift the control from the
tank adapter. If the O-ring seals come off with the
control, put them back into the tank adapter
sockets. Lubricate the O-rings with silicone
lubricant (Autotrol part number 1013501.)
Reverse the procedure to replace the control module.
Preventive MaintenanceInjector Screen and Injector
The injector is the component which creates the
vacuum necessary to draw brine into the water
conditioner. Clean the inj ector and injector scre en once
a year in order to maintain proper water conditioning.
Some locations may require more frequent injec tor and
screen servicing. Refer to Figure 17 and complete the
following steps to clean the injector screen and
1. Un plug the wall-mount transformer.
2. Shut off the water supply or put the bypass valve(s)
into the bypass position and remove the rear cover.
3. Relieve system pressure by opening the backwash
drain valve (the sixth valve back from t he control)
with a screwdriver, Figure 11.
4. Using a screwdriver, unscrew and remove the
injector screen and injector cap.
5. Clean screen with a fine brush. Flush with water
until clean.
6. Using a needle-nose pliers, pull the injector straight
7. Flus h water into the injector screen recess of the
valve body to flush debris out through the injector
8. Clean and flush the injector. Lubricate the O-rings
on the injector, injector cap, and injector screen
with silicone lubricant.
Figure 17
9. Re install the injector, injector cap, and injector
IMPORTANT: Do not overtighten the plastic cap. Seat
the cap lightly into position. Overtightening can cause
breakage of the plastic cap which may not be evident
10. Reinstall cover, reconnect electric power, and reset
the time of day.
11. Slowly open the water supply valve or return the
bypass valve(s) to the “not in bypass” position.
Water Meter
In rare instances, the turbine wheel of the water meter
can collect small particles of oxidized iron, eventually
preventing the wheel from turning.
1. Shut off the water supply or put the bypass valve(s)
into the bypass position.
2. Relieve system pressure by opening the backwash
drain valve (the sixth valve back from t he control)
with a screwdriver, Figure 11.
3. Loosen and remove the fasteners that hold the
meter adapter to the tank adapter and the
fasteners that hold the piping boss or bypass va lve
to the meter adapter.
Injector Cap