Note: If the calculation for the sys tem capacity
exceeds 9999 gallons (99.99 cubic meters) (P5,
Capacity, divided by P3, Hardness,) the control will
display 9999 (99.99) for capacity until the water usage
has dropped the remaining capacity below that
number. When water is flowing through the system, the
colon in the Time of Day display will blink.
At this time, all of the mandatory parameters are filled
and the control is ready for operation. The display will
alternate between the Time of Day and Capac ity if no
keys are pressed for 30 seconds. The Capacity value is
the volume remaining in gallons (cubic meter s for
metric) before a regeneration is needed.
Verify proper power outage operation by brief ly
removing power to the control. The unit will beep and
show the time of day when power is turned on.
If you wish to fine-tune the operation of this con trol,
refer to Table 3 f or details concernin g allowable valu es,
defaults, and parameter descriptions. The
programming procedure is the same for all of these
Table 1 - Programming Parameters
Parameter Range of
Value s Minimum
Increments Default Units of
Measure Notes
Name Description
P1 Time of day
AM or PM
1:00 to 12:59
00:00 to 23:59 1 None Hour:minute Range depends on value
selected for P13. Enter the
current time.
P2 Time of day
1:00 to 12:59
AM or PM
00:00 to 23:59
1 2:00 AM Hour:minute
Range depends on value
selected for P13. Skip this
parameter to accept the
default or enter a new time.
P3 Hardness of
water 3 to 250
30 to 2500 1
10 10
100 Grains/gallon
Unit of measure depends on
value selected for P12. Test
water hardness and enter
that value.
P4 Salt amount 0.5 to 99.5
0.1 to 25.5
0.1 6
2.5 Pounds
Unit of measure and default
depends on value selected
for P12. Refer to Table 2.
P5 Capacity of
0.1 to 140.0
0.01 to 14.00
Unit of measure depends on
value selected for P12. Enter
the unit capacity.
Table 2 - Suggested Salt Settings
(Pounds of Salt for Various Size Conditioners)
Resin Bed Volume
Kilograins of
0.5 ft30.75 ft31.0 ft31.25 ft31.5 ft31.75 ft32.0 ft3
124.5- -----
24 - 14.0 8.5 7.0 - - -
30 - - 15.0 11.0 9.0 - -
32 - - 18.5 12.5 10.0 9.0 -
35 - - - 16.0 12.0 10.0 9.0
40 - - - 23.0 17.0 14.0 12.0
48 - - - - 28.0 21.0 17.0