WARNING: This unit can be dangerous! Careless or improper
use can cause serious injury.
Read the operator’s manual before use. Failure to follow instructionscould
result in serious injury. Save operator’s manual.
Trimmerline c an throw objects violently.
Youcan be blinded or injured. A lways
wear hearing protection and safety
glasses marked Z87. Always wear
heavy,long pants , long sleeves, boots
and gloves.
Toreduce the risk of electricshock, do not expos e unit to water.
Do not operate unit on wet ground or in rain.
Secure hair above shoulder length.
Do not wear jewelry, loose clothing, or
clothing with loosely hanging straps,
ties, tassels, etc. They can be caught
inmov ing parts.
DANGER: Use only specified trimmer head,
spool, and 0.065 inch (1.65 mm) recommended
trimmer line. Never use blades, flailing devices,
wire, rope, string, etc. Unit is designed for line trim-
mer use only. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious injury.
Hazard zone for thrown objects.
STrimmerline throw s objects violently.
SYouand others can be blinded/ injured.
SKeep children, bystanders, and animals
50f eet (15 meters) away.
WARNING: This unit is double insulated. Failure to have the unit
repaired by qualified service personnel can caus e the double insulation
construction to become ineffective and result in serious injury.