Weed Eater WEB 200, 545186752 Important Warnings And Safety Instructions Warning, Safety Rules

Models: 545186752 WEB 200

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When using electric gardening appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and serious injury. The warnings and safety instructions in this manual must be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury, and to provide reasonable safety and efficiency in using this unit. The operator is responsible for following the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the unit. Read the entire instruction manual before assembling and using the unit! Re- strict the use of this unit to persons who read, understand, and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the unit. Never allow children to use this unit. Do not allow the unit to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when used near children. Always disconnect unit from power source before servicing, cleaning, performing main- tenance, or storing. Nonconforming replacement components or the removal of safety devices may cause damage to the unit and possible injury to the operator or bystanders. Use only accessories and replacement parts as recommended. Use only for jobs ex-

plained in this manual.

gases to avoid creating a fire or explosion


S Always wear safety glasses or similar

and/or causing damage to unit. Do not

eye protection when operating, servic-

abuse cord. Never carry the unit by the ex-

ing, or performing maintenance on your

tension cord or yank extension cord to dis-

unit. Wearing eye protection can help to

connect unit. To unplug, grasp the plug,

prevent rocks or debris from being

not the cord. Do not use cord as a handle,

blown or ricocheting into eyes and face

close a door on cord, or pull cord around

which can result in blindness or serious

sharp edges or corners. Turn off all con-


trols before unplugging. Do not expose

S Always wear a respirator or face mask

cords to heat, oil, or water. Do not use with

when working with the unit in dusty envi-

damaged cord or plug. If unit is not work-


ing as it should, has been dropped, dam-

S Dress safely in long pants. Do not go

aged, left outdoors, or dropped into water,

barefoot or wear short pants or sandals.

return it to your authorized service dealer

S Do not operate the unit when you are

for repair. Unplug the unit from the power

tired, ill, upset, or if you are under the in-

source when not in use, before servicing,

fluence of alcohol, drugs, or medication.

cleaning, performing

maintenance, or

S Secure hair so it is above shoulder

storing. Do not put any object into open-

length. Keep loose hair, loose clothing,

ings. Do not use with any opening

fingers, and all other parts of the body

blocked; keep free of dust, lint, hair and

away from openings and moving parts.

anything that may reduce air flow.

Hair, jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing

S Use only a voltage supply as shown on

with loosely hanging straps, ties, tas-

the nameplate of the unit.

sels, etc., can be caught in moving

S Avoid dangerous environments. Do not


use in unventilated areas or where dust or


explosive vapors can build up.


S To reduce the risk of electrical shock, use

suitable for outdoor appliances. The elec-


extension cords specifically marked as

Avoid a dangerous environment. To re-

trical rating of the cord must not be less

duce the risk of electrical shock, do not

than the rating of the unit. The cord must

use in rain, in damp or wet locations, or

be marked with the suffix “W”. Make sure

around swimming pools, hot tubs, etc. Do

your extension cord is in good condition.

not expose to snow, rain, or water to avoid

Inspect extension cord before use and re-

the possibility of electrical shock. Do not

place if damaged. An undersized exten-

use on wet surfaces. Do not handle exten-

sion cord will cause a drop in line voltage

sion cord plug or unit with wet hands.

resulting in loss of power and overheat-

Avoid dangerous situations. Do not use in

ing. If in doubt, use

the next heavier

the presence of flammable liquids or




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Weed Eater WEB 200 Important Warnings And Safety Instructions Warning, Safety Rules, Operator Safety, Electrical Safety