The Wharfedale Pro LA -15 series is a 15-inch, high-effi- ciency, constant-directivity portable speaker system. The LA-15, two-way, full-range loudspeaker is designed to meet demanding professional applications requiring both sonic quality and integrity. The LA-15 is especially suited to high quality sound reinforcement applications where its power response and overall performance give exceptional results even in challenging acoustic spaces. Whether applied to a reverberant or “dry” club type acoustic envi- ronment the LA-15 integrates successfully with the room for superior sound quality with a minimum of equalization and tuning. The LA series is made up of four cabinets. The LA-15 is a passive full range cabinet and the LA-15SB is a passive bass cabinet. The LA-15P is a powered full range cabinet and the LA-15PB is a powered sub cabinet.
The cabinets of the LA-15, LA-15SB, LA-15P and LA-15PB are made of High Density Polyethylene structural foam fin- ished in black. This material gives a lightweight and very robust enclosure that will withstand the rigours of con- stant live work.
The Wharfedale Pro LA-15 series has been successfully applied to professional applications in venues as diverse and demanding as classical music and theatrical reinforcement, discotheque, night club, jazz club, places of worship and anywhere requiring high output with excep- tional audio quality. The LA-15 series speakers feature a dynamic high frequency driver protection circuit which gives progressive-dynamic limiting for both short term peaks and long term overload conditions.
The sophisticated limiting function works progressively giv- ing smooth sonic performance even when driven beyond the design limits of the system.
The shape of The LA-15 allows the cabinets to lock togeth- er in a trapezoid formation or allows the system to be used in a horizontal position as a floor monitor.
The LA-15SB features an internal passive x-over. This enables a signal to be fed into the LA-15SB where it is fil- tered and then taken to the full range LA-15. The LA-15 and LA-15SB will work with external powered x-overs. Where significant extension of low frequency output of your system is required, the addition of the LA-15 SUB (SB) will provide well balanced, high output enhancement and power to the overall system. The LA-15PB offers a powered solution with an electronically controlled band pass filter. The LA-15P features 2 power amps with an internal active crossover with dynamic high frequency driver protection circuit. This enables the cabinet to deliver optimum per- formance with all the processing controlled internally.