All models feature printed circuit
boards with large copper tracks
to maximi ze signal transfer and
component layouts designed
to eliminate inference from any
residual stray magne tic f ields. The
printed circuit boards are mounted
on vibration free mountings. Most
models have two print ed circui t
boards to separate the bass inductors
from those coupling the midrange
and tweeter units.
The bass inductor has a large
magnetic field when operating
which would otherwise modulate
the other inductors. All inductors
feature perfect layer winding and
large gauges of wire are used to
keep insertion loss to a minimum.
Capacitors in crossover networks
pose special problems. The Opus²
range features high grade low-loss,
low-ecr, polypropylene or reversible
electrolytic c apacitors speci ally
selected for t heir outstanding audio
properties. These capacitors are
marked with the ‘Wharfedale super
audio capacitor’ logo. The internal
cables used are specially made and
assembled in our factory: 4 multiple
strand oxygen-free copper wires are
plaited into a single cable for all
internal loudspeaker connections.