The Wharfe dale design principle
has, since our foundation in 1932,
been one of simple execution and
vertical component synergy. This
principle is manifest within Opus2.
Every component, sub-assembly,
even the crossover elements are
manufactured entirely in-house to
a standard com mensurate with
the product and with regard to
every other component within the
Through this vertical integration we
are able to ensure the cabinets fit
the drive units, t hat t he operating
spectrum of the drive units work
with each other and that the whole
is much greater than the sum of the
parts - perfect synergy.
This all-embracing approach to design
pays dividends in performance.
Because the crossove r can be
relatively simple, phase linearity
is preser ved, meaning the d rive
units move in unison - a seamless
transition from one to the other
without disconnect or interference.
Because each drive unit is operating
so comfortab ly within its own
specification, the presentation is
relaxed and confident; powerful
and fulfilling.
Opus2 loudspeakers have a further
feature - usually found only in the
highest quality professional recording
studios - a dome mid-range driver
capable of reproducing the entire
range of human vocal reproduction
- with a dispersion character istic
which mimics the voice.
Through this synergy, Opus2
achieves one of the most natural
presentation s pos sible from a
moving-coil loudspeaker.