10 w The electrical connections must be done by a licensed electrician.
11 WCheck levelness of dryer by placing level on top of the dryer, first side to side, then front to back. If dryer is not level, adjust the legs of the dryer up or down.
Dryer must be level to prevent noise and poor drying performance.
12 n Connect exhaust duct to exhaust hood and dryer. (See Exhaust requirements, Panel 9.)
l Use the straightest path possible to avoid 90” turns.
l Use duct tape to seal all joints in the exhaust system.
l Use caulking compound to seal exterior wall opening around exhaust hood.
1 H Check that all parts vou removed from the park packages are now Installed In the dryer. If there is an extra part, go back through the steps to see which step was skipped.
the tools you started with.
15 n Carefullv slide drver into ik final location. Check to be sure legs were properly installed and dryer is level.
16 n Read the Use and Care Guide to fully understand your new dryer. Start the dryer and allow it to complete a full heat cycle (not the air cycle). After five minutes, open dryer door. You should feel heat inside the dryer. If you do not feel heat, follow instructtons given on back cover, “Ifdryer does not operate properly.”
flnlshed lnstalllng your new Whlrlpool dryer.
To get the most ettlclent use form your new dryer, read your
1 Congratulations! \
Whlrlpool Use and Care gulde. Keep lnstallatlon Instructtons and Guide close to dryer ror easy reterence. The lnstructlons will make
relnstalllng your Whlrlpool Dryer In another home
Num 3ers corfx spend
Recessedand closet installation instructions
The dryer may be Installed In a recessed area or closet.
Fire Hazard
It the dryer Is Installed In a closet, the dryer MUSTbe exhausted outslde.
Failure to do so may result In a tlre.
The installation spacing is in inches and centimeters and is minimum allowable.
Additional spacing should be considered for ease of Installatton. servicing and compliance with local codes and ordinances.
If closet door is Installed. the mlnlmum unobstructed air openings in top and bottom is required. Louvered doors with equivalent air
openings are acceptable. Closet installation must be exhausted. Other installations must use the minimum dimensions indicated.
Companlon appliance spacing should be considered.
For recessed,
(0 c
Recessed front vie
Minimum installation spacing
Closet installation &be exhausted.
1” (2.5 cm) | P- |
_I | Side view |
closet door |
\ |
48 sq. in.”
(309.7 sq cm)
*Additional clearances for wall, door and floor moldings may be required.
**Opening is minimum for closet door. Louvered door with equivalent air openings is
l ** Additional space is needed when external exhaust elbow is used.