Knowing Your Dryer’s Features
The parts and features of your dryer are illustrated below. Become familiar with all parts and features before using your dryer.
Optional mounting kits
You can mount your compact dryer above your compact washer using one of the following:
lDryer Stand Kit for permanent installation, secured to the wall.
Part No. 695570 (electric only)
l Stack Kit for
l Stack Kit to mount dryer permanently onto the washer.
Part No. 3390196 (electric only)
Part No. 3390175 (electric only)
l Dryer
NOTE: The wall must be strong enough to support the dryer’s weight, (Do not use in mobile homes.)
Optional deflector kit
lExhaust Deflector Kit to move dryer exhaust up, down, or to the side.
Part No. 346001 (electric only)