Vacation and moving carme
Arrange for someone to make regular ci- recks of your freezer to make sure It IS operatrna and ellectricitv has not been Interrupted
Shutting off and moving...
If freezer is shut off for more than 24 hours:
1.Remove and store all food
2.Unplug freezer
3.Clean thoroughly See “Cleaning your freezer,” page 0
4.Block door open for arr clrcuiation Turn lock to locked posrtlon with door open Place blocks be- tween door and cabinet and
If you move the freezer:
1.Remove trivet
2.Do not place objects inside cabinet.
3.Level properly to ensure good door seal
CAUTION: To help prevent accidents, do not al- low children near the freezer when the door is blocked open.
To restart freezer, see “Usrngyour freezer,” page 5.