Quick reference cooking guide
Your mlcrowave oven gives you a wide range of cooking capabilities. The following chart can be used as a quick reference when cooking. For more indepth information, see the corresponding sectlons in this Use and Care Guide.
Type of cooking
Hlgh power cooklng
Lower power cooking (cook powers
Auto Set
How you use it
1.Put food In the oven and close the door.
2.Touch COOK 1.
3.Touch Number Pads for the cooklng the you want.
4.Touch START.
1.Put food In the oven and close the door.
2.Touch COOK 1.
3.Touch Number Pads for the cooklng time you want.
5.Touch a Number Pad for the Cook Power yw want.
6.Touch START.
1.Put food In the oven and CIOSB the door.
2.Touch AUTO SET.
3.Twch a Number Pad for the cocklng tinm you want, from 1 to 9 minutes.
5.Touch a Number Pad for the Cook Power you want.
6.Touch START.
1.Put food In the oven and close the door.
3.Touch Number Pads for the defrosting tlma you want.
4.Touch START.
1.Put food In the oven and close the door.
2.Touch COOK 1.
3.Touch Number Pads for the cooklng time you want.
5.Touch a Number Pad for the Cock Power you want in the fkat cycle.
6.Touch COOK 2.
7.Touch Number Pads for the cooklng tlma you want In the second cycle.
6.Touch COOK POWER. (tf you want to use HtGH power, skip to Step 10.)
9.Twch a Number Pad for the Cook Power you want In the second cycle.
10.Touch START.
Why you use il
This mode is useful for quick cooking of small items and separate portions.
This mode is necessary for etficient axking of most foods. Failure to use the correcl Cook Power may resuh in over- or
This mode lets you select up lo ten
This mode decreases the amount of time needed lo thaw frozen food before cnoking.
This mode lets you ax% al two different Cook Powers, one after another. Using this mode lets you
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