The oven vent
There is an ol’en vent under the right rear surface element. When the ol’en is on. heated air will escape through it. A vent is needed for air circulation in the oven durtng baking. You can cook on this surface unit whtle the oven is on A warm pan of food will stay warm on this unit while the oven is on. It may be warm enough to melt butter. too.
Do not try to save heat or energy by blocking the vent. Poor baking can result. Plastic utensils may melt if they are over the vent while the oven is on.
The optional rotisserie
If you would llke a rotissene with your oven. you can order a kit from your dealer Easy installation instructions come with the ktt.
Using the
Things to do before you start:
lSome areas may not be cleaned during the
lDo not move or bend the fiberglass oven door seal. Do not try to
clean it by hand.
l The high heat during the cleaning cycle will discolor the racks and take the shine off them lf they are left In the oven during the Self- Cleaning cycle If you ulant your oven racks to stay shiny and brtght. take them out before starting the cleamng cycle. If you do clean the racks during the cleaning cycle. read the “Special Tips” at the end of thl> sectton
lDon’t leave any ;~ots or pans In the oven durtng cleaning. They won’t
be able to stand the high heat.
lWipe up spillovers. boilovers and grease that hasn’t baked onto the bottom of the cxen This will help reduce smoking during the cleaning
lChrome reflector bowls must not be cleaned in the oven.
lTurn on the ven: hood fan or other kitchen vents during the cleaning cycle? This will help remove smoke, odor and heat that are normal
during the cycl<’
l If you have a rotxserie. be sure the motor socket cover is closed