Wintal 1080I, 720P, PVR2HD manual Shortcut Key Explanations

Models: PVR2HD 1080I 720P

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6.4 Time Zone Adjust

This screen allows you to adjust the time zone settings to suit your location. Press the ▲▼ keys to change between states and use the ◄► keys to select between “Daylight Saving On” and “Daylight Saving Off” for daylight saving settings.

Press OK or EXIT key to save and exit.

6.5 System Information

The system information screen displays general and version information relating to your hardware and software.

be displayed on the up-right corner of your TV screen. Volume can be restored by pressing the MUTE key again.

7.3 TeleText

You can press the CC key on your remote to enter the TeleText or Closed Caption windows. This feature will only become active if the channel broadcast contains Teletext or Closed Captions. To exit TeleText, press the EXIT key. To exit Closed Captions press the CC key again on your remote.

7.4 Information

When watching a channel, pressing the INFO key button will display a simple EPG dialogue box that includes current and next program information.

Note: The duration of info windows on your PVR2HD can be adjusted to be longer or shorter. Refer to 6.1 Common Set > Banner Time.

An SD or HD icon will also display at top-right corner of this window that will show you whether you are watching a SD or HD channel.

7. Shortcut Key Explanations

Your PVR2HD remote comes with dedicated keys to make accessing certain features on your PVR easily accessible. Refer to the following section:

7.1 Audio

Press Audio key to display the Audio Selection window.

Press the ◄► keys to switch among Left, Right, Stereo, and mix. Select the best audio channel output for the current program.

NOTE: The available selections in the audio language dialogue window depend on the channel broadcast. If the service provides several audio languages, use keys to select appropriate language and press the OK key to confirm.

7.2 MUTE

Press the MUTE key on your PVR2HD button to cut off the sound completely; a MUTE icon will

Pressing the INFO key again on this screen will pop up a bigger window showing more details about the current program. By pressing the INFO key again on your remote you can continue reading the next program information. Press INFO key once again to return to the initial view mode.

During the whole operation, press the EXIT key to exit from this window at any time.

7.5 EPG and EPG Schedule

For more information on EPG, see 2. Program Guide.

To schedule recordings from the EPG window:

When you select a particular program in the EPG window and press the OK key on your remote, you can enter the EPG Schedule window. This will allow you to assign Recording or Playback tasks based on the selected program– see 5.2.1 Adding Scheduled Tasks for information on each option.

When you are done with setting up your options, press the OK key on your remote to save your changes, or press the EXIT key to exit without saving.




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Wintal 1080I, 720P, PVR2HD manual Shortcut Key Explanations