Layout and inventory the parts shipped with
your Planer. See Figure 6. This will help with
machine assembly.
Planer Unit 1
Handwheel 1
Magnets 2
T-Handle Allen®Wrench 1
Allen®Screw 1
Flat/Lock Washer 1
Dust Port 1
Phillips®Screws 3
Item Qty.
Figure 6. Planer components removed from the
box and laid out for identification.
UnpackingBox ContentsThe planer is carefully packed. However, if it is
damaged or is missing any parts, please contact
Woodstock International Service and Support at
1-360-734-3482 or send e-mail to:
Get assistance before
starting assembly. The
Model W1675 Planer is a
heavy load at 93 pounds.
ASSEMBLY Shop Preparation• Planer Location: Make sure that where
ever you operate the planer, you face the
planer toward an area where if a work piece
should be projected, bystanders will not be
struck with the workpiece. Take all
necessary safety precautions.
• Working Clearances: Consider your existing
and anticipated needs, size of material to
be processed through each machine, and
space for auxiliary stands, work tables or
other machinery when establishing a
location for your planer.
• Lighting: Make sure the lighting is bright
enough to eliminate shadows and prevent
eye strain.
• Outlets: Electrical circuits must be
dedicated and/or large enough to handle
the amperage requirements of the
machinery. Electrical outlets should be
located near each machine so power or
extension cords are clear of high-traffic
areas. Observe local electrical codes for
proper installation of new lighting, outlets
or circuits and read and understand this
Always make sure that all
entrances to your shop are
locked or that machines
are equipped with safety
lock-out devices to protect
curious children or visitors
from serious injury. Never
allow unsupervised people
in your shop who have not
been fully trained!
Dust Port