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Model MRC88


(Factory Default = “ENABLED”)

This mode allows selective control of multiple same-brand same-model components such as multiple DVD players or Satellite receivers. When “ROUTING ENABLE” is selected, IR commands are directed only to the specific emitter output for the source selected in a zone, and not to the other source emitter outputs. When “ROUTING DISABLE” is selected, IR commands are directed to ALL emitter outputs. The COMMON emitter output will always output all IR commands.


(Factory Default = 6 seconds)

This setting adjusts the duration that the Keypad LCD display and Buttons will remain lit after a keypad button press. Back-lighting is variable from ‘Always On’ to ‘Always Off’ or it can be set to time-out after 1 - 10 seconds in one second increments. This setting will set the backlighting for ALL keypads in the system. IR codes generated by remote controls received at the keypads IR Receiver do not activate backlighting.

1.Click “ALWAYS ON” to backlight a zone’s keypad(s) for as long as the zone is ON. Backlight turns off when the zone is turned OFF. Useful in dark rooms.

2.Click “ALWAYS OFF” keypad(s) backlight will never turn on. This is useful in rooms that are always brightly lit.

3.Click “TIMED” and use the ‘Timed Back-light Control’ Pulldown Menu to set backlight duration from 1- 10 seconds.


(Factory Default = “WHOLE HOUSE MODE”)


This mode allows any zone to be able to select and control any source at any time.


When ENABLED, if Zone 1 selects a source, Zone 1 will maintain exclusive control over that source until Zone 1 either selects another source or is turned OFF. Zones 2-8 (2-16 for EXPANDED) can monitor the source, but cannot control that source until released by Zone 1. Once Zone 1 has released the source, if the source is re- selected by one of Zones 2-4, that zone will take control and will then have priority.


(Factory Default = “Not Expanded”)


This mode is for systems operating with ONE MRC88 Controller/Amplifier (8 Zones or less). This is the DEFAULT mode of operation.


This mode is for systems operating with TWO MRC88 Controller/Amplifiers connected via the units Expansion ports. This is for systems with 9 to 16 Zones.

When changing to the Expanded mode a message stating “Please Wait” will appear on screen. Dragon Drop- IR™ will take about ten seconds (depending on computer speed) to update. The Zones, Controller and Zone Linking tabs will now open the options for sixteen zone programming and configuration.

© 2003 Xantech Corporation

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Xantech mrc88 installation instructions Ir Routing, Back-Lightcontrol, Mode Of Operation, Expanded Options