975-0170-01-01 C–7
SOC State of charge Indicates the quantity of electrical energy stored inside a battery.
UL Underwriters
Laboratory A standards writing and certification body which tests and
approves products for regulatory compliance to international
THD Total Harmonic
Distortion A measure of how pure or clean a waveform is.
VAC Volts Alternating
Current See Alternating Current in Glossary.
VDC Volts Direct Current See Direct Current in Glossary.
W Watts See Glossary.
°C Degrees Celsius Temperature system that uses 0 °C for the freezing point and
100 °C for the boiling point of water.
°F Degrees Fahrenheit Temperature system that uses 32 °F as the freezing point and
212 °F as the boiling point of water.
Abbreviation Full name Definition