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8. Select the SHARE NAME: radio button if you are sharing this printer. Enter the Name of the Printer
on the screen below as shown or keep the default name that appears in that field. Click on the NEXT
9. You can describe the location of this printer which might be useful to other users. See screen below
for information.Note that you may enter comments or leave it blank. Click on the NEXT button.
10.Select the YES radio button to print test page.
Note: Save this test page as you will need the Printer and Server names from this sheet when you
add a printer on the client PC. Click the NEXT button.
11.On the last screen click FINISH button to complete the steps needed to attach a printer to the drivers
on the Windows 2003 Server.
Optional Procedure 4 - Adding a Postcript Printer on the ServerSee Installing PS Driver - page 22.
LU 252813189 Kit Laser Multifonction LAN XEROX GB.book Page 30 Lundi, 27. novembre 2006 4:47 16