VIZIO VW37L HDTV30A User Manual
Version 4/2/2008 58
3.12 Vid eo Inpu t Setup
Video I nput Se tupVideo I nput Se tup
Video I nput Se tup
The Setup menu operates in the sam e w ay for
Video Inputs (Component and AV) as for the
DTV/TV input in section 3.3. The menu differ ence
is that there is no ic on along the top for T V
3.13 Vid eo Inpu t Paren tal Cont rol
Video I nput Pa rental ControlVideo I nput Pa rental Control
Video I nput Pa rental Control
The Parental Control menu operates in th e same
way for Video Inputs (Com ponent and AV) as for
the DTV / TV input in section 3.6. The menu
difference is that there is no icon along th e top for
DTV / TV adjustments.