Limpieza y Asistencia Técnica | Español |
Limpieza de la Cubierta de Acero Inoxidable
Limpie la cubierta de acero inoxidable con un paño suave* Para limpiarla más a fondo, utilice WD "(™* Aplique el limpiador al paño, no al amplificador* Con este paño, limpie la superficie y luego séquela con un paño limpio* No deje que el paño se enganche en la malla*
Precaución: No permita que los líquidos entren en contacto con la placa de circuitos*
Circuito del ventilador
El X%(' tiene un circuito de ventilador de dos velocidades que proporciona un eficiente control de temperatura* El amplificador tiene integrado de fábrica el puente del ventilador en la posición "alto"* Para reducir la velocidad del venti+ lador, coloque el puente en la posición "bajo"*
Precaución: Si el amplificador se sobrecalienta, pídale al distribuidor que revise el ventilador para ver si hay alguna obstrucción* Cuando el circuito de protección de temperatura seactiva, el indicador luminoso anaranjado se enciende y es posi+ ble que la potencia se reduzca*
Pídale al distribuidor que revise la placa de circuitos para ver si hay polvo* Si lo hay, utilice aire a baja presión para eliminarlo* NO utilice aire a alta presión, cepillos o dispositivos similares para limpiar la placa de circuitos*
Servicio Técnico
Nuestro propósito es garantizar la satisfacción de nuestros clientes* Usted represen+ ta nuestro presente y nuestro futuro, y nuestro objetivo es crear y mantener una relación basada en la confianza y el respeto* Este no es un compromiso a la ligera o sólo por hoy; es nuestra forma de trabajar, y no lo podemos hacer de otra manera*
Las normas y los procedimientos de Xtant están diseñados para que, en caso de que haya un problema, el tiempo de inactividad y las molestias para usted sean mínimas* Nuestro compromiso es reparar y devolver el producto en no más de dos (!) días hábiles a partir del momento en que Xtant recibe el equipo* Recuerde tomar en cuen+ ta los fines de semana y díasfestivos, si caen dentro de este período de tiempo, para calcular la fecha de devolución del producto reparado*
Para obtener asistencia técnica e información sobre los productos y su instalación, comuníquese con el Departamento de Relaciones con el Cliente de Xtant de lunes a viernes de -:(( a*m* a ):(( p*m* hora de Montaña al:
Fax: (%(!) "'$
English Xtant Four Year Limited Warranty
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state* Xtant Technologies (Xtant) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service when the unit is installed by an Authorized Xtant Dealer as folows: electronics (") four years from original purchase date; speakers/subwoofers (') three years from original purchase date* Non+Authorized Dealer installed products carry a one ($) year parts and labor limited warranty* The extent and con+ ditions of Xtant’s Limited Warranty are as follows:
$* Authorized Xtant Dealer Installed Products: Xtant will repair at no charge, to the original purchaser, any unit which Xtant’s examination discloses to be defective and under warranty, provided the defect occurs within the warranty period and the product is returned immedi+ ately to Xtant* This warranty is not transferable*
!* Non+Authorized Xtant Dealer Installed Products: Xtant will repair at no charge, to the orig+ inal purchaser, any unit which Xtant’s examination discloses to be defective and under war+ ranty, provided the defect occurs within one ($) year from the date of purchase and the prod+ uct is returned immediately to Xtant* This warranty is not transferable*
'* The date of purchase and proof of Authorized Dealer Installation of an Xtant product must be established by an original (or copy of the original) sales receipt which must accompany the article being returned for warranty work*
"* This warranty shall NOT apply to any Xtant unit found to have the original factory serial number removed or defaced* All products received (by Xtant) for in warranty or out of war+ ranty repair, with their original serial numbers removed or defaced, will NOT be repaired and will be returned to sender, freight collect*
)* The provisions of this warranty shall not apply to any Xtant unit used for a purpose for which it is not designed, which has been repaired or altered in any way, or which has been connected, installed, or adjusted other than in accordance with the instructions furnished in Xtant’s owner’s manual* Nor shall this warranty apply to any part which has been subject to misuse, neglect, or accident*
%* Xtant does not authorize any other persons to assume any other liability in connection with its products* THIS WARRANTY IS THE ONLY EXPRESS WARRANTY MADE BY XTANT APPLICABLE TO ITS PRODUCTS* ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT+ NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLICABLE TO XTANT’S AMPLIFIERS AND OR ACCES+ SORIES IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY* XTANT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR COMMERCIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE BREACH OF THIS WRITTEN WARRANTY* Some states or provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts; so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you*
#* Your unit will be serviced on an in+warranty basis within the warranty period for the cor+ rection of warranted defects* If improper operation of your Xtant product should occur, con+ tact your Authorized Xtant Dealer for assistance with the return and factory repair of your Xtant product* If an Authorized Xtant Dealer is not available, please contact Xtant’s Customer Service Department for assistance*
Xtant Technologies | Xtant Technologies |
#%#% South "%th Street | |
Phoenix, Arizona | Winslow, Il |
TO RETURN XTANT PRODUCTS OUT OF WARRANTY: Contact Xtant’s Warranty Department
at (%(!) "'$