MIDI Data FormatAppendix
MIDI Data Format1. Channel messages
1.1 Note on/note off
These messages convey keyboard performance data.
Range of note numbers transmitted and received = C-2...G8
Velocity range = 1...127 (Velocity is received only for note-on)
1.2 Control changes
These messages convey control operation information for volume or pan etc.
Their functions are differentiated by the control number (Ctrl#).
1.2.1 Bank Select
This message selects the voice bank.
Control# Parameter Data Range
0 Bank Select MSB 0...127
32 Bank Select LSB 0...127
The Bank Select data will be processed only after a Program Change is received, and then voice bank
will change at that time. If you wish to change the voice bank as well as the voice, you must transmit
Bank Select and Program Change messages as a set, in the following order: Bank Select MSB, LSB,
and Program Change.
1.2.2 Modulation
This message controls the depth of modulation.
Control# Parameter Data Range
1 Modulation 0...127
1.2.3 Portamento Time
This message controls the degree of Portamento (see 1.2.9).
Control# Parameter Data Range
5 Portamento Time 0...127
A value of 0 is no effect, and 127 is the longest Portamento time. No effect in Rhythm tracks.
1.2.4 Data Entry
This message sets the value of the parameter which was specified by RPN (see 1.2.17) and NRPN
(see 1.2.16) (Rhythm Track only).
Control# Parameter Data Range
6 Data Entry MSB 0...127
38 Data Entry LSB 0...127
1.2.5 Main Volume
This message controls the volume of each part. (It is used to adjust the volume balance between
Control# Parameter Data Range
7 Main Volume 0...127
With a value of 0 there will be no sound, and a value of 127 will produce the maximum volume.
1.2.6 Panpot
This message controls the panning (stereo location) of each part.
Control# Parameter Data Range
10 Pan 0...64...127
0 is left, 64 is center, and 127 is right.
1.2.7 Expression
This message controls expression for each part. (It is used to create volume changes during a song.)
Control# Parameter Data Range
1l Expression 0...127
1.2.8 Holdl
This message controls sustain pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
64 Hold1 0...63, 64...127
When this is ON, currently-sounding notes will continue to sound even if note-off messages are
1.2.9 Portamento
This message controls Portamento pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
65 Portamento 0...63, 64...127
When ON, Portamento produces a smooth glide connecting two notes of different pitch. The time
over which the pitch changes is adjusted by Portamento Time (see 1.2.3). No effect in Rhythm tracks.
1.2.10 Harmonic Content
This message adjusts the resonance of the filter that is specified for the sound.
Control# Parameter Data Range
71 Harmonic Content 0...127 Synth Track only
0...64...127 Rhythm Track only
Since this is a relative change parameter in Rhythm track, it specifies an increase or decrease relative
to 64. Higher values will produce a more distinctive sound.
For some sounds, the effective range may be less than the possible range of settings.
1.2.11 Release Time
This message adjusts the EG release time that was specified by the sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
72 Release Time 0...127 Synth Track only
0...64...127 Rhythm Track only
Since this is a relative change parameter in Rhythm track, it specifies an increase or decrease relative
to 64. Increasing this value will lengthen the release time that follows a note-off.
1.2.12 Attack Time
This message adjusts the EG attack time that was specified by the sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
73 Attack Time 0...127 Synth Track only
0...64...127 Rhythm Track only
Since this is a relative change parameter in Rhythm track, it specifies an increase or decrease relative
to 64. Increasing this value will make the attack more gradual, and decreasing this value will make
the attack sharper.
1.2.13 Brightness
This message adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter specified by the sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
74 Brightness 0...127 Synth Track only
0...64...127 Rhythm Track only
Since this is a relative change parameter in Rhythm track, it specifies an increase or decrease relative
to 64. Lower values will produce a more mellow sound.
For some sounds, the effective range may be less than the possible range of settings.
1.2.14 Decay Time
This message adjusts the EG decay time that was specified by sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
75 Decay Time 0...127 Synth Track only
It determines how long it takes for the sound changes from maximum level to sustain level.
1.2.15 Effect4 Depth
This message adjusts the Send level to Effect.
Control# Parameter Data Range
94 Effect4 Depth 0...127
Increasing this value will more effective.
1.2.16 NRPN (Non-registered parameter number)
Use NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB to specify the parameter that you wish to modify, and then use Data
Entry (see 1.2.4) to set the value for the specified parameter. (Rhythm Track only).
*1 See 1.2.4
1.2.17 RPN (Registered parameter number)
Use RPN MSB and RPN LSB to specify the parameter that you wish to modify.
*1 See 1.2.4
1.2.18 Others
If the Control Change IN/OUT = ALL, all following Control Change Number are transmitted and
If the Control Change IN/OUT = NORM, the following Control Change Number in are trans-
mitted and received.
Data Entry*1
MSB LSB Parameter Name and Data Range
18H rrH mm --
Drum Instrument Pitch Coarse
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
Data Entry *1
MSB LSB Parameter Name and Value Range
7FH 7FH -- --
RPN Null
This empties settings from RPN and NRPN
Internal data is not affected.
category param CC#
SCENE scene 3 -
LFO wave 15 -
pmd 18 - *
pmd2 57 -
fmd 19 - *
amd 80 -
speed 16 - *
AEG attack 73* -
decay 75* -
sustain 31 -
release 72* -
FEG attack 82 -
decay 83 -
sustain 28 -
release 29 -
Common key assign 8 -
portamento 5* -
VCO1 wave 50 - *
SYNC mode 34 -
VCO2 wave 51 - *