MIDI Data Format
Appendix AN1x Current Common bulk dump
When the Common block bulk data of the voice sounds currenly is received from the AN1x, the
AN200 responds to it (see the Table <3-1>).
The following parameters are invalid on the AN200, or affect differently compared with the ones
applied to the AN1x.
Scene Select (Always "Scene1" is fixed.)
Layer Mode ("Single" or "Unison")
Layer Pan, Layer Separation
Common Vtrl Matrix 1—2 Data (Source, Parameter, Depth)
Vari-Ef Type (Always "Gutar Amp.Simulator" is fixed.)
Dly-Ef, Rev-Ef Data (Type, Return, Parameter 1—7)
Arpeggio/StepSEQ Scene Sw. ("Off" or "On (only Scene1-side)")
FreeEG Track Scene Switch ("Off or "On (only Scene1-side)")
Parameters in connection with Arpeggio. AN1x Current Scene1 bulk dump
When the Scene1 block bulk data of the voice sounds currenly is received from the AN1x, the
AN200 responds to it (see the Table <3-1>).
The following parameters are reacted by the AN200.
Ctrl Matrix 16 Data (Source, Parameter, Depth) AN1x Current Step Seq Pattern bulk dump
When the Step SEQ block of the voice sounds currenly is received from the AN1x, the AN200
responds to it (see the Table <3-1>).
The Following parameters are invalid on the AN200, or affect differently compared with the ones
applied to the AN1x.
Step Seq Base Unit
Step Seq Length
Step Seq CtrlChange Value1...16 AN1x User Voice bulk dump
When the User Voice block bulk data is received from the AN1x, the AN200 responds to it (see
the Table <3-1>).
The following parameters are invalid on the AN200, or affect differently compared with the ones
applied to the AN1x.
Data of Scene 2
Common Data (See
Scene1 Data (See
3. Realtime Messages3.1 Active Sensing
11111110 FEH
This is transmitted by 200msec.
After FE is received one time, if the MIDI signal does not come within 400 msec, AN200 will act
received, and return to the condition where has not been received once.
3.2 Timing Clock
11111000 F8H
ON/OFF of the transmitting and receiving can be set.
3.3 Start
11111010 FAH
ON/OFF of the transmitting and receiving can be set.
3.4 Continue
11111011 FBH
ON/OFF of the transmitting and receiving can be set.
3.5 Stop
11111100 FCH
ON/OFF of the transmitting and receiving can be set.
4. System Common Messages4.1 Song Position Pointer
11110010 F2H
ON/OFF of the transmitting and receiving can be set.
Parameter Base Address
MODEL ID = 5C (AN1x)
MIDI Parameter Change table ( Current Voice Common Buffer)
Address Size Data Prameter Name Description Default
(H) (H) (H)
10 00 00 1 20...7F Voice Name 1 Ascii Code I
01 1 20...7F Voice Name 2 Ascii Code n
02 1 20...7F Voice Name 3 Ascii Code I
03 1 20...7F Voice Name 4 Ascii Code t
04 1 20...7F Voice Name 5 Ascii Code
05 1 20...7F Voice Name 6 Ascii Code P
06 1 20...7F Voice Name 7 Ascii Code t
07 1 20...7F Voice Name 8 Ascii Code n
08 1 20...7F Voice Name 9 Ascii Code
09 1 20...7F Voice Name 10 Ascii Code
0a 1 00...16 Voice Category --,Pf...Wv --
0b 1 NOT USED (AN1x : Scene Select) Scene1(1):fixed 1(scene1)
0c 1 00...01 Unison Sw. (AN1x : Layer Mode) off(0),on(1) 00(off)
0d 1 NOT USED --
0e 1 NOT USED --
0f 1 01...20 Unison Detune 1...32 6
Parameter Address Description
(H) (M) (L)
Curret Voice 10 00 00 Current Voice Common
10 0D 00 AN200 Current Voice Add
10 0E 00 Current Voice Step Seq
10 10 00 Current Voice Element
10 30 00 AN200 Current Voice Scene1
10 31 00 AN200 Current Voice Scene2
AN200 User Pattern Voice 20 00 00
: : :
20 7F 00
AN200 User Pattern Voice 1
AN200 User Pattern Voice 128
AN200 User Pattern Voice Add 22 00 00
: : :
22 7F 00
AN200 User Pattern Voice Add 1
AN200 User Pattern Voice Add 128
AN200 User Pattern Voice Scene-1 40 00 00
: : :
40 7F 00
AN200 User Pattern Voice Scene-1 1
AN200 User Pattern Voice Scene-1 128
AN200 User Pattern Voice Scene-2 41 00 00
: : :
41 7F 00
AN200 User Pattern Voice Scene-2 1
AN200 User Pattern Voice Scene-2 128