8. Record the remaining parts (and sections) as needed.
Continue recording in the same fashion (steps #2 – #7 above) for the other parts of the selected
section, until you’re satisfied with the new Style. Record in the same way for the other sections
(Intro, Ending, etc.) of the Style as needed.
1Setting new part to REC automatically sets previously recorded part to PLAY.
2Select MUTE to mute any parts you do not want to hear. (See “Mute” below.)
3Select PLAY to playback the corresponding part.
4Select DELETE to delete the corresponding part. (See “Delete” below.)


A Mute function is also available for the parts, letting you temporarily turn off parts you do not
want to hear while recording. This does not erase the part, but only temporarily disables
playback, for selective monitoring of the parts.
For internal Styles or Styles
from a SFF disk, non-rhythm
parts having existing data must
be deleted before they can be
recorded. However, you can
overdub normally to the
rhythm parts of these Styles.