22 Chapter 7 : Recording22 Chapter 7 : Recording22 Chapter 7 : Recording
Digital audio data containing SCMSSCMS (Serial Copy Management System) is a protection system designed to stop illegal
digital copying of audio material. When a SCMS DAT recorder (most consumer DAT
recorders) receives a digital input signal with the copy protect flag set to “protect”, it
cannot enter record mode, making digital tape duplication impossible.
If a digital signal that contains SCMS is input to the CBX-D5 it will not prevent the
CBX-D5 from recording. The digital audio will be recorded in a sound file without SCMS.
When digital audio data containing SCMS is input into the CBX-D5, and the output format
(set from the host computer) is set to Professional, output from the digital output jacks may
be muted. When the output format is set to Consumer however, the digital and analog
outputs will be unaffected.
It is possible to record a copyrighted musical composition, edit it and replay it with the
CBX-D5. However, the user will be held responsible for its use.
Digital audio data with emphasisFor some recordings, emphasis is applied to a digital audio signal. During playback, this
emphasis is automatically detected by the replay device and de-emphasis applied. You
may have seen the word EMPHASIS appear on a CD player or DAT recorder when a
prerecorded disc or tape with emphasis was played back.
The CBX-D5 has no emphasis functions, so if a digital signal that has been emphasized
is input to the CBX-D5 it will not automatically be de-emphasized and the CBX-D5 will
record the signal with the emphasis. During playback, a slight boosting of frequencies
above 3.5kHz will be noticeable.
20-bit digital audioSome CD players are now 20-bit and there is a small but growing selection of 20-bit CD
recordings available. Some 20-bit recorders are already being used for professional
applications including Yamaha’s DMR8 and DRU8 recorders, which have al ways of fered
20-bit recording.
If a 20-bit digital signal is input to the CBX-D5, it will be converted to a 16-bit signal
before recording. For the technically minded, 4-bits, starting from the LSB (Least
Significant Bit) will be chopped off.
NOTE: SCMS does not affect recordings made using analog connections, and it is only
second generation digital copying (copy of a copy) that is prohibited.