AES/EBU IN 1/2 27AES/EBU IN 1/2 27AES/EBU IN 1/2 27
AES/EBU IN 1/2A female XLR 3-31 type connector for inputting AES/EBU format digital audio. This is a
balanced type connection and two channels, 1 and 2, are carried in the same connection.
This connection could be used when recording digital audio data from another hard disk
recorder, a digital mixer, DAT recorder, or digital VTR. The AES/EBU format is used
mainly on professional digital audio equipment.
Although an XLR to XLR type connecting cable is required, the recommended cable
impedance is different to that of typical audio XLR type connecting cables. You may find
that typical audio XLR type cables work successfully, but to eliminate any risk of data
corruption it is best to use a cable that is specifically made for use with the AES/EBU
format. The recommended cable impedance for AES/EBU is 110Ω.
AES/EBU OUT 1/2, 3/4Two male XLR 3-32 type connectors for outputting AES/EBU format digital audio.
Channels 1 and 2 are output via OUT 1/2, and channels 3 and 4 through OUT 3/4. These
connections could be used to transfer digital audio data from the CBX-D5 to professional
digital audio equipment.
Here again, it is best to use a cable that is specifically made for use with the AES/EBU
format. Follow the same recommendations given above for the AES/EBU IN connection.
CD/DAT INA Phono/RCA jack for inputting CD/DAT format digital audio. T w o channels, 1 and 2
(left, right), are carried in the same connection. This connection could be connected to the
digital output of a CD player or DAT recorder and allows digital audio recording without
multiple D/A, A/D audio data conversions. Some MIDI samplers are fitted with this type
of connection. In this case, sound samples could be transferred digitally between a sampler
and the CBX-D5. The CD/DAT format is found mainly on consumer type digital audio
equipment, although, most professional digital audio equipment supports it, too.
Phono/RCA type cables and connectors are commonly used for hi-fi equipment, however,
there are connecting cables designed specifically for use with the CD/DAT format and
wherever possible they should be used.
CD/DAT OUTA Phono/RCA jack for outputting CD/DAT format digital audio. T w o channels, 1 and 2
(left/right), are carried in the same connection. This could be connected to the digital input
of a DAT recorder or DCC recorder, and it allows digital audio recording without multiple
D/A, A/D audio data conversions.
Like the CD/DAT IN connection, it’s best to use cables specifically made for the job.
NOTE: You might have heard or read that AES/EBU type connections can be
connected directly to CD/DAT connections and vice versa. In some cases this
may work, but it is not recommended. To ensure data integrity, connect
AES/EBU outputs to AES/EBU inputs, and CD/DAT inputs to CD/DAT