Function Default
Backup Group
F1 Tuning A3=440Hz
F2.1 Scale 1 (Equal Temperament) F9.3
F2.2 Base Note C
F3.1 Dual Balance Preset for each voice combination
F3.2 Dual Detune Preset for each voice combination
F3.3, F3.4 Dual Octave Shift Preset for each voice combination
F3.5, F.3.6 Dual Effect Depth Preset for each voice combination
F4.1 Split Point F#2 F9.1
F4.2 Split Balance Preset for each voice combination
F4.3, F4.4 Split Octave Shift Preset for each voice combination
F4.5, F4.6 Split Effect Depth Preset for each voice combination
F4.7 Damper Range ALL
F5.1 Left Pedal Mode 1 (soft pedal) F9.4
F5.2 Sustain Sample Depth 12
F6 Metronome Volume 10 F9.1
F7 Preset Song Part Cancel Volume 5
F8.1 MIDI Transmit Channel 1
F8.2 MIDI Receive Channel ALL
F8.3 Local Control ON F9.2
F8.4 Program Change Send & Receive ON
F8.5 Control Change Send & Receive ON
F8.6 MIDI Transmit Transpose 0
F9 Backup All OFF
Always backed up
Factory Setting List/Liste der Vorgabeeinstellungen/Liste des réglages/Lista de ajustes de fábrica Backup Group
Dual Mode OFF
Split Mode OFF
Split Mode Left Voice WOOD BASS
Reverb Type Preset for each voice F9.1
Reverb Depth Preset for each voice
Effect Type Preset for each voice
Effect Depth Preset for each voice
Touch Sensitivity MEDIUM
Volume in the FIXED Mode 64
Metronome OFF —
Metronome Time Signature 0 (no accent) F9.1
Tempo 120 —
Transpose 0 F9.3
“—”: Not memorized
Voice Name Title Composer
GRAND PIANO 1 Nocturne op.9-2 F.F.Chopin
GRAND PIANO 2 Piano Sonate op.13 “Pathétique” 2nd mov. L.v.Beethoven
E.PIANO1 Clair de lune C.A.Debussy
E.PIANO2 Scherzo-valsa (Pièces Pittoresques) E.Chabrier
HARPSICHORD Le Coucou L-C.Daquin
VIBRAPHONE Study in A minor Georges Pheiffer
CHURCH ORGAN Organ Concerto Op.4 No.2 G.F.Händel
JAZZ ORGAN Trolltog (Lyriske Småstykker No.5) E.H.Grieg
STRINGS Brandenburgisches Konzert No.3 J.S.Bach
CHOIR Kantate Nr.140 J.S.Bach
WOOD BASS L’Eléphant Saint-Saëns
E.BASS In The Kings Hall E.H.Grieg
Voice Demo Tune Titles
Demo Song List/Verzeichnis der Demo-Songs/Liste des morceaux de démonstration/Lista de canciones de demostración•Some of the demonstration pieces listed above are short rearranged excerpts from the original compositions.
•Bei manchen der oben aufgeführten Demo-Stücke handelt es sich um kurze, umgestaltete Auszüge aus den Originalkompositionen.
•Certains des morceaux de démonstration cités ci-dessus sont de courts extraits arrangés des compositions originales.
•Algunas de las piezas de demostración arriba mencionadas son pasajes cortos arreglados de las composiciones originales.