Summary of settings
RemarksºOriginal: The original language of each disc will be selected.
Other ¢¢¢¢: Input a code number with the numeric buttons (➡ see below).
Automatic: If the language selected for “Audio” is not available, subtitles of that language will automatically appear if available on that disc. ³Some discs are designed to start in a certain language despite any changes you make here.
ºAutomatic: The unit automatically selects field still or frame still.
Field: Less blurred field stills are shown. Select if jittering occurs when “Automatic” is selected.
Frame: Sharper frame stills are shown. Select if small text or fine patterns cannot be seen clearly when “Automatic” is selected.
ºSelect “Off” if sound is interrupted when playing Dolby Digital
Audio will be heard when playing some
Refer also to Common procedures (➡ page 28) and the Disc section in Summary of settings (➡ page 29).
Advanced operations
The password screen is shown when you select levels 0 to 7.
1.Input a
³If you enter a wrong number, press [CANCEL] to erase it before you press [ENTER].
When changing ratings (When the level is 0 to 7)
The password screen is shown when you select “Ratings”.
1.Input your
| Ratings |
SET UP | Ratings |
| |
| Enter a |
| then press ENTER. |
Unlock Player
Change Password
Change Level
Temporary Unlock
Password ✱✱✱✱
The lock symbol appears closed to show the rating is locked.
Do not forget your password.2.Press [ENTER] to confirm the 4 digits.
Now, when you insert a
Follow the
2.Select the item with the cursor buttons [3,4] and press [EN- TER], and follow the
Abkhazian: | 6566 |
| Chinese: | 9072 |
| Hausa: | 7265 |
| Lithuanian: | 7684 |
| Romanian: | 8279 | Telugu: | 8469 |
Afar: | 6565 |
| Corsican: | 6779 |
| Hebrew: | 7387 |
| Macedonian: | 7775 |
| Russian: | 8285 | Thai: | 8472 |
Afrikaans: | 6570 |
| Croatian: | 7282 |
| Hindi: | 7273 |
| Malagasy: | 7771 |
| Samoan: | 8377 | Tibetan: | 6679 |
Albanian: | 8381 |
| Czech: | 6783 |
| Hungarian: | 7285 |
| Malay: | 7783 |
| Sanskrit: | 8365 | Tigrinya: | 8473 |
Ameharic: | 6577 |
| Danish: | 6865 |
| Icelandic: | 7383 |
| Malayalam: | 7776 |
| Scots Gaelic: | 7168 | Tonga: | 8479 |
Arabic: | 6582 |
| Dutch: | 7876 |
| Indonesian: | 7378 |
| Maltese: | 7784 |
| Serbian: | 8382 | Turkish: | 8482 |
Armenian: | 7289 |
| English: | 6978 |
| Interlingua: | 7365 |
| Maori: | 7773 |
| 8372 | Turkmen: | 8475 | |
Assamese: | 6583 |
| Esperanto: | 6979 |
| Irish: | 7165 |
| Marathi: | 7782 |
| Shona: | 8378 | Twi: | 8487 |
Aymara: | 6588 |
| Estonian: | 6984 |
| Italian: | 7384 |
| Moldavian: | 7779 |
| Sindhi: | 8368 | Ukrainian: | 8575 |
Azerbaijani: | 6590 |
| Faroese: | 7079 |
| Japanese: | 7465 |
| Mongolian: | 7778 |
| Singhalese: | 8373 | Urdu: | 8582 |
Bashkir: | 6665 |
| Fiji: | 7074 |
| Javanese: | 7487 |
| Nauru: | 7865 |
| Slovak: | 8375 | Uzbek: | 8590 |
Basque: | 6985 |
| Finnish: | 7073 |
| Kannada: | 7578 |
| Nepali: | 7869 |
| Slovenian: | 8376 | Vietnamese: | 8673 |
Bengali; Bangla: 6678 |
| French: | 7082 |
| Kashmiri: | 7583 |
| Norwegian: | 7879 |
| Somali: | 8379 | Volapük: | 8679 | |
Bhutani: | 6890 |
| Frisian: | 7089 |
| Kazakh: | 7575 |
| Oriya: | 7982 |
| Spanish: | 6983 | Welsh: | 6789 |
Bihari: | 6672 |
| Galician: | 7176 |
| Kirghiz: | 7589 |
| Pashto, Pushto: | 8083 |
| Sundanese: | 8385 | Wolof: | 8779 |
Breton: | 6682 |
| Georgian: | 7565 |
| Korean: | 7579 |
| Persian: | 7065 |
| Swahili: | 8387 | Xhosa: | 8872 |
Bulgarian: | 6671 |
| German: | 6869 |
| Kurdish: | 7585 |
| Polish: | 8076 |
| Swedish: | 8386 | Yiddish: | 7473 |
Burmese: | 7789 |
| Greek: | 6976 |
| Laotian: | 7679 |
| Portuguese: | 8084 |
| Tagalog: | 8476 | Yoruba: | 8979 |
Byelorussian: | 6669 |
| Greenlandic: | 7576 |
| Latin: | 7665 |
| Punjabi: | 8065 |
| Tajik: | 8471 | Zulu: | 9085 |
Cambodian: | 7577 |
| Guarani: | 7178 |
| Latvian, Lettish: | 7686 |
| Quechua: | 8185 |
| Tamil: | 8465 |
Catalan: | 6765 |
| Gujarati: | 7185 |
| Lingala: | 7678 |
| Tatar: | 8484 |
| ||