Changing settings
Television settingsChange the settings to suit your television and your preference. Refer also to Common Procedures (➡ page 28) and the Video section in Summary of settings (➡ page 29).
TV Aspect4:3 Pan&Scan (Factory preset)Select if you have a regular television and to view 16:9 software in the pan and scan style.
16:9 software prohibited from being shown in the pan and scan style will appear in the letterbox style despite the setting here.
4:3 LetterboxSelect if you have a regular television and to view 16:9 software in the letterbox style.
16:9Select if you have a widescreen television.
For your reference
DVDs are recorded in a variety of aspect ratios and how these appear depend on these settings, the
³When connected to a regular 4:3 aspect television, use these settings.
³When connected to a widescreen 16:9 aspect television using progressive output, use the
³When connected to a widescreen 16:9 aspect television using interlace output, use the television’s screen modes.
TV TypeStandard (Direct View TV) (Factory preset)Select if you have a standard television, widescreen television, wi- descreen plasma television, etc.
CRT ProjectorSelect if you have a DLP Projector or a CRT Projector.
LCD ProjectorSelect if you have an LCD Projector.
Projection TVSelect if you have a Projection TV.
The optimum settings for your television may differ.
Advanced operations