Mixer Basics
Quick Guide
MW12CX/MW12C Owner’s Manual 11
4The ASIO Direct Sound Full Duplex Setup
dialog box will be displayed. Check only
the input port and output port [USB Audio
CODEC] checkbox.
5Make sure that “USB Audio CODEC 1/2”
are shown in the [Port System Name] field,
and check the [Visible] column in the
Device Setup window. Click [OK] to close
the window.
If the [Port System Name] field does not
change, close and restart the Cubase AI4, then
open the Device Setup window.
6Select [New Project] from the [File] menu
to create a new project file.
The new project dialog window will open. For this
example select [CAI4 - 4 Stereo 8 Mono Audio Track
Recorder] and click [OK].
Recorded Cubase AI4 data is stored as a
“project file”.
7When the directory selection dialog win-
dow appears, select the folder to which the
project and audio files for the project are to
be stored, and click [OK].
An empty project window with 4 stereo and 8 monaural
tracks will appear.
Project window
Transport panel
Mixer window