Replacing the Sweet Spot Data
Owner’s Manual
You can replace the n8/n12’s compressor settings (Sweet Spot Data) by using a dedicated software application called
Sweet Spot Data Manager. This application contains several Sweet Spot Data sets and enables you to easily replace
(load) the data while the n8/n12 is operating. For example, you can apply compression using the preset data while
recording, and use other data while mixing.
Download the Sweet Spot Data Manager from the following URL.
Double-click the Sweet Spot Data Manager icon, and install the program as directed in the screen. For details on the
installation, refer to the installation guide included with the application.
Follow the steps below to load the Sweet Spot data on your n8/n12.
Make sure that the n8/n12 is connected to a
computer via an IEEE 1394 cable, and is
operating normally.
Start Sweet Spot Data Manager.
■ Windows:
From the Start menu, select [All Programs] → [Sweet
Spot Data Manager] to start the application.
Alternatively, double-click the Sweet Spot Data
Manager short-cut icon on the desktop.
■ Macintosh:
Double click [Applications] → [Yamaha] →
[SweetSpotDataManager] → [SSDManager] to start
the application.
When the application starts up, the following screen
will appear.
If the n8/n12 is connected to a computer correctly,
the UPDATE button will be highlighted in color. The
current, loaded data on the n8/n12 will be listed in
the Current Data column.
In the Sweet Spot Data list, click the name of a
Sweet Spot Data set that you wish to load on the
You can sort the list by No, Name, Author,
Description or Note by clicking the corresponding
column title.
To load the selected data on the n8/n12, click the
UPDATE button.
It takes only a few seconds to load the data. When
the load operation is complete, you can use the new
Sweet Spot data immediately.
Replacing the Sweet Spot Data•Before using the Sweet Spot Data Manager, make
sure that the n8/n12 is connected to a computer
correctly, and that the application software,
including the driver software, has been installed
• To avoid malfunction, connect the n8/n12 to a
computer directly, without any other devices
connected to either machine.
If an error message is displayed, check that the
cable is correctly connected, and that the driver and
other required software is installed correctly. Then
restart the application.
Sweet Spot Data list
UPDATE button
Current Data column
You can enter comments in the Note column. For
example, if you enter a number in the Note column
for each data, you can sort the list by number by
clicking the column entitled Note.
During the load operation, the n8/n12 output signals
will be muted.
To return the Sweet Spot data to the factory-set state,
select “0 Preset” in the Sweet Spot Data list and click
the UPDATE button.
No. column:
data number
Description column:
explanation of the data
Author column:
Note column:
comment field
Name column:
Sweet Spot
Data name