The Split & Left Local OFF ModeIn the split mode one section of the PDP-300 keyboard
is used to play a PDP-300 voice in the normal way, while
the remaining section is used to play a second MIDI key-
board or tone generator. In this mode the right-hand sec-
tion of the keyboard is used to play an internal PDP-300
voice, while the left-hand section of the keyboard plays
the external keyboard or tone generator. Playing the left-
hand section of the keyboard produces no sound from the
PDP-300. The “split point,” or the key that divides the
left- and right-hand sections of the keyboard can be set
at any desired key.
The split mode is useful if, for example, you want to
play a piano voice with the right hand while playing a
synthesizer bass line or string section with the left hand.
When the split mode is activated, notes played on the
left-hand section are transmitted via the PDP-300 MIDI
OUT connector on MIDI channel 2. Notes played on the
right-hand section are transmitted on the “basic chan-
Activating the Split & Left Local OFF Mode &
Selecting the Split Point
1. Hold down the [MIDI/TRANSPOSE] button, then
press and hold down the [HARPSICHORD] voice se-
lector. The HARPSICHORD LED indicator will flash.
2. Press the key on the keyboard at which you wish to set
the split point. The HARPSICHORD LED will light
continuously. The split-point key becomes the first
key of the left-hand section.
3. Release the split point key.
4. Release the [MIDI/TRANSPOSE] button and [HARP-
SICHORD] voice selector.
5. To return to the normal full-keyboard mode, hold the
[MIDI/TRANSPOSE] button and press the [HARPSI-
CHORD] voice selector, then release both buttons.
Note: When the power is initially turned ON the default split
point key — F#2 — will be automatically selected. If a
new split point is selected it remains active until the power
is turned OFF or a different split point is selected.
The Split & Right Local Off ModeIn the PDP-300 either the right- or left-hand section of
the keyboard can be assigned to control an external key-
board or tone generator. Assigning the left-hand section
to external tone generator control was described in the
previous section. To assign the right-hand section to ex-
ternal tone generator control while playing the PDP-300
voices with the left hand, press the [ORGAN] voice se-
lector instead of the [HARPSICHORD] voice selector
when activating the Split mode (See “Activating the
Split & Left Local OFF Mode & Selecting the Split
Point” in the previous section). All other operations are
exactly the same as described in the previous section.
Split point set at F 2
Right-hand section plays
a PDP-300 piano voice.
Left-hand section plays an
external device's bass