Editing VL Voice Part Parameters
• Please note that accurate keyboard pitch is produced only when maximum tonguing is applied or the tonguing
controller is turned off.
TngCtrlDpt (Tonguing Control Depth) ................................................... Settings: -64 … +63
Sets the amount of variation produced by the controller assigned to tonguing. The higher the
value the greater the variation. Positive values cause an decrease in tonguing in response to higher
controller values (e.g. increased breath pressure or higher modulation wheel position), while
minus values cause an increase in tonguing in response to higher controller values.
Scr CC No. (Scream Control Change Number) ..................Settings: off … 95, AT, VEL, PB
“Scream” drives the entire system into chaotic oscillation, creating effects that can only be
achieved with physical modeling technology. The “Scr CC No.” parameter specifies the controller
to be used for scream control. When set to “off” no scream variation can be produced via a con-
troller, but a continuous scream value is determined by the “ScrCtrlDpt” parameter, below (nega-
tive values increase the scream level).
ScrCtrlDpt (Scream Control Depth) ........................................................Settings: -64 … +63
Sets the amount of variation produced by the controller assigned to scream. The higher the value
the greater the variation. Positive values cause an increase in scream effect in response to higher
controller values (e.g. increased breath pressure or higher modulation wheel position), while
minus values cause a decrease in scream effect in response to higher controller values.